Thursday, September 22, 2016

Invisible Infrastructure: In-Place Hypervisor Conversion

The Most powerful Infrastructure is the Infrastructure you don’t see or interact with, in another word the “Invisible Infrastructure

Single Interface that combined Compute, Storage, DR, Cloud connect and even the HYPERVISOR and more, we are talking about the future of the IT “Enterprise Cloud” we are talking about NUTANIX.

One of the very cool new features in the new edition of AOS 4.6 is the ability to convert the Hypervisor running in your Cluster, in this blog post we will go through the conversion from ESXI to AHV and from AHV to ESXI,

The beautiful part that every thing is automated and GUI even the Guest VMs are converted to the hypervisor target format with no effort,

Let’s start with the first step after having the NUTANIX Cluster up and running ESXI hypervisor, Click on “Convert Cluster”

Read the notes and consider the requirements then click on “AHV”