Monday, November 16, 2015

VMware vRealize Operations Manager Step by Step (Part-5) Creating vRops Email Notifications


Configure an optional SMTP server to activate email service for reports and for notification messages when a problem occurs. Administrative alerts occur when vCenter Operations Manager detects a problem with one or more of its components and cannot collect data from the monitored objects.

To configure the Email Notification first we should have access to the vRops admin Portal, from the main menu click on Content,



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

VMware vRealize Operations Manager Step by Step (Part-4) Policy Configurations (Allocation Or Demand?)

Out of the box, the Default Policy in vRealize Operations is set to use an Allocation Capacity planning model for most Object types.

In many other circumstances, a better starting point would be to apply a Demand based policy for most Object types and resource dimensions.

We will go through how to make this changes and what difference they will make to the Capacity Planning Analysis results.


Uses simple mathematics to do capacity planning. Works only on containers & Datastores Reduces the CPU, VM or DISK SPACE allocated to a VM from the total available. The total available can be hypothetically increased by using Over commitment Ratios

CPU Demand: Amount of CPU resources an object would have used if there was no contention Demand (Mhz) for CPU comes from vCenter Metrics. Derived as Percentage by vROps Demand can be Greater than , Equal to or Less than Usage

Memory Demand: Derived by vROps by using Active Memory + Overheads

Network Demand: Derived by vROps using network usage per vNic as a percentage of the bandwidth.

Disk Demand: Sum of the queued IO commands and the outstanding IO commands as a percentage of the overall capacity. It is derived by vROps.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dell Acquires EMC; VMware to Remain Independent

طبعا كلنا سمعنا امبارح عن خبر بيع EMC الى DELL وطبعا لكل المهتمين بشركة VMware فيه سؤال بيطرح نفسه علينا كلنا ......
ايه مصير VMware فى الموضوع ده ؟؟
وخصوصا ان DELL عندها بعض ال Softwares اللى بتتنافس مع بعض منتجات VMware 
على سبيل المثال وليس الحصر فيه تنافس  فى الآتى:
VRealize operations and DELL Foglighr
VMware Horizon View and DELL vWorkspace
الإجابة من VMware بخصوص ده ان VMware سوف تبقى مستقلة كشركة منتجة للبرمجيات ولن يتم دمجها فى DELL software 
المصدر من موقع VMware

Sunday, July 12, 2015

VMware vRealize Operations Manager Step by Step (Part-3) Sizing and requirements of the Cluster

There is a very common question will come across your mind,

What is the resources needed for my vRealize Operations Manager? how many Cluster nodes? 

Let me simplify this with straight forward Answer, It is depend !!

  • how large is your environment you will monitor and analyze
  • metrics you plan to collect
  • number and type of resources collected
  • number and type of adapters installed
  • Do you have HA or no
  • the duration of data retention,
  • quantity of specific data points of interest, (symptoms, changes…etc.)
  • and how long you need to store your data

During the wizard of the installation in Part-1 we selected the Deployment Configuration (Small) which will take resources 4 vCPUs and 16 GB RAMs, this configurations can support up to 2000 VMs


For Extra configurations use the following sizing table guide from VMware,



  • Maximum number of remote collectors (RC) certified: 50
  • Maximum number of VMware vCenter adapter instances certified: 50
  • Maximum number of VMware vCenter adapter instances that were tested on a single collector: 30
  • Maximum number of certified concurrent users per node (regardless of node size): 4
  • If you enable High Availability (HA), then the number of the nodes will be two times more than in a non HA configuration - 8 nodes is the limit. You do not need to account for any HA overhead beyond that.
  • An object in this table represents a basic entity in vRealize Operations Manager that is characterized by properties and metrics that are collected from adapter data sources. Example of objects include a virtual machine, a host, a datastore for a VMware vCenter adapter, a storage switch port for a storage devices adapter, an Exchange server, a Microsoft SQL Server, a Hyper-V server, or Hyper-V virtual machine for a Hyperic adapter, and an AWS instance for a AWS adapter.
  • The limitation of a collector per node: The object or metric limit of a collector is the same as the scaling limit of objects per node.  The collector process on a node will support adapter instances where the total number of resources is not more than 2,400, 5,000, and 10,000 respectively, on a small, medium, and large multi-node vRealize Operations Manager cluster.  For example, a 4-node system of medium nodes will support a total of 20,000 objects. However, if an adapter instance needs to collect 8,000 objects, a collector that runs on a medium node cannot support that as a medium node can handle only 5,000 objects.  In this situation, you can add a large remote collector or use a configuration that uses large nodes instead of small nodes.
  • If the number of objects is close to the high-end limit, dependent on the monitored environment, increase the memory on the nodes.  Contact Product Support for more details.


Knowledge Base - Sizing the vRealize Operations Manager Cluster

vRealize Operations Manager 6.0.1 Sizing Guidelines (2109312)





Thursday, July 9, 2015

VMware vRealize Operations Manager Step by Step (Part-2) Architecture and High Availability


In this post we will go through the architecture of the product, also we we will go through step by step how to configure the high availability for the vRops by creating Master Replica for the master node of the cluster,

vRealize operations Manager Design Architecture considerations and  Node Types:

  • Master Node

The Master node is the initial node in your vRealize Operations Manager cluster. if we are planning to have a Single-Node Cluster so the administration and the data are on the same master node, if we are planning to have a Multi-Node Cluster which will include one Master and one or more data nodes,

  • Master Replica Node

Enabling the Master Replica Node is the key of having the High availability for the vRealize Operations Manager, if we have a problem occurred with the Master node for any reason, a failover to the replica node will occur automatically,

  • Data Node

Data nodes are the additional cluster nodes that allow you to scale out vRealize Operations Manager to monitor larger environments. to perform collection and analysis. On the Larger deployments usually adapters are only installed and configured on data nodes,

  • Remote Collector Node

On the large environment we might have a distributed deployment across sites, then we will need a remote collector node that can navigate firewalls and reduce bandwidth across data centers, Remote collectors only gather objects for the inventory, without storing data or performing analysis,

Now lets start our deployment of the Master Replica Node to provide the high availability, We will start with deploying another vRops OVF same as we did earlier, We will access it through web URL access,

Select (Expand an Existing Installation)

Screenshot 2015-09-08 16.41.32

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

VMware vRealize Operations Manager Step by Step (Part-1) Overview and Installation

vRealiza operations Manager (vRops) previously called vCenter Operations Manager (vCOps) is a part from the vRealize Suite,
vRealize Suite consists of the following products:
  • VMware vRealize Automation Advanced or Enterprise
  • VMware vRealize Operations Advanced or Enterprise
  • VMware vRealize Log Insight
  • VMware vRealize Business
vRealize Suite is available with two licensing models:
  • Per Processor: For on premise private cloud or virtual environments
  • Per OS Instance: For public cloud workloads or workloads on physical hardware
In this post I will go through how to deploy and configure vRealize Operations Manager 6.0,
From the vSphere Client Connected to your vCenter Start by Deploying OVF Template, Download the Source, Select, Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.04.59
Review, Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.05.04

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

VMware vCenter 6 Step by Step (Part 2) Basic Configurations

In the first post we finished the installation of the vCenter,
VMware vCenter 6 Step by Step (Part 1) Installation
We will continue in this post with the basic configurations and Hosts add and Cluster creation,
First thing we need to do is to log in to our new vCenter using Administrator Account for vSphere.Local
Screenshot 2015-05-26 03.20.06
Here are the first look using Web client
Screenshot 2015-05-26 05.44.39

Sunday, June 21, 2015

VMware vCenter 6 Step by Step (Part 1) Installation

VMware vSphere 6 came with lots of changes and new features, but we can say that the Installation is not that different from earlier versions,
For the ESXI deployment its almost the same experience, for the vCenter we will talk in details about Installation Step by Step,
Some new enhancement in the vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA):
  • Linked Mode is Supported.
  • 1000 hosts and 10,000 VMs using the embedded database.
Now lets start the step by step for the vCenter 6 deployment over Windows Server 2012 with DB hosted in Microsoft SQL 2012
First you need to install 
26-May-15 11-41-01 AM
After installing the fix we can start the vCenter installation, Select vCenter Server for Windows, Click Install
Screenshot 2015-05-26 02.18.00

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why do we need the documentation?


I spent years in IT industry in most days and in most Modern companies I found that they consider the documentation a burden not a solution for their problems .

Some of the reasons I had seen to avoid Making or updating the documentation :

  • understaffed and lack the Time .
  • lack of well ( no one will read it ) .
  • lack the intention ( if some one know what I know I will be fired ) .
  • I am the only one who do it anyway why should I document I can remember everything .

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Return On Investment–ROI for a Small Private Cloud project


This is one of the Most common words in IT industry you keep hearing ,ROI study and ROI for this project . in this Short post I will try to make it simple by using example from the IT industry not just by using the raw info .

it’s a performance measure to determine the efficiency

Example :

you want a new servers for building a new private cloud used as a sandbox (Testing) .

Step 1: getting the cost of Accruing those servers ( servers cost + software licenses cost + cost of implementing those ) you will end up with a number (Ex. $100,000 )

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Private Cloud Higher utilization and additional unit Marginal cost/ benefit



you need to run 10 applications (LOB) shall you proceed with Private cloud ?

(the servers cost is used as example only )

each physical server costs $15K (16GB Ram ,6Cores , 1TB Storage )

Now you sum up to 150K

Now we got to the cloud part by using the cloud you removed the physical boundaries with will lead to Higher utilization (I am using the same HW in the physical example)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

(Part-4) Step By Step VMware Site Recovery Manager - SRM and EMC SAN with SRDF

In the previous posts we went through Installing and configuring SRM and also installing the EMC Storage SRA and configure the array manager connection,
Now we will go through Creating our first Protection Group which will be based in the Replication Group made by the SAN Admin,
From the SRM Console Go to Protection Group and from the Getting Started tab click on Create a protection Group
You will ask your self a very basic question here !!
Why all this Datastores is grouped together in one Check Box??
Can I separate this Datastores from each other??
How it will affect my recovery??
The answer is very simple,
For the First question the answer is: All this Datastores Lun`s is grouped in one SRDF Replication Group and because of this you have no choice else protecting them all together in one Protection Group,
For the Second question the answer is: To separate them you need to ask the SAN admin to separate the Replication Group as per your requirements,
For the third question the answer is: Yes it will affect your recovery plan because once you have all this Datastores in one protection group so you will need to recover all of them together,
Choose the Protected Site (HO Site) and you will find the available Array Pairs, choose which array pairs will be used (the one containing your Datastores Lun`s)