Tuesday, July 7, 2015

VMware vRealize Operations Manager Step by Step (Part-1) Overview and Installation

vRealiza operations Manager (vRops) previously called vCenter Operations Manager (vCOps) is a part from the vRealize Suite,
vRealize Suite consists of the following products:
  • VMware vRealize Automation Advanced or Enterprise
  • VMware vRealize Operations Advanced or Enterprise
  • VMware vRealize Log Insight
  • VMware vRealize Business
vRealize Suite is available with two licensing models:
  • Per Processor: For on premise private cloud or virtual environments
  • Per OS Instance: For public cloud workloads or workloads on physical hardware
In this post I will go through how to deploy and configure vRealize Operations Manager 6.0,
From the vSphere Client Connected to your vCenter Start by Deploying OVF Template, Download the Source, Select, Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.04.59
Review, Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.05.04

Accept the EULA, Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.05.08
Give name to the Virtual machine, Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.05.16
VM Configuration select,
The Small configurations for environments less than 2000 VM`s, it will take from your resources 4 vCPU`s and 16 GB or RAM`s
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.05.26
Select your disk format method, Click Next,
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.05.32
Insert your Gateway, DNS and the IP address that will be used for the vROPS,
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.08.45
Review the Summery, Click Finish
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.08.51
Deploying ………….
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.09.00
vRealize Operations Deployed and powered up, give some time until the OS start
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.11.59
Go to the Web Browser, enter the IP address of the vRops,
From the Get started Page I will go with select Express Installation
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.45.46
Create New vRelize Operations Cluster,
vRealize Operations Manager 6 came with new high availability options, we can create 2-node vROps High Availability Cluster and create Load balance between them using Load Balancing solutions,
Our first node of the Cluster will called the Master node,
On a later post we will talk in details how to add the second node to the Cluster to provide the High Availability,
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.46.04
Set the Admin Account Password, Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.46.37
Review Summery and Click Finish
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.46.48
Loading …………………………
Screenshot 2015-08-25 15.47.11
Here we go ……..
User and password and click Login
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.02.41
We have two Options here, either to create new environment or to upgrade from Old vCenter Operations Mnager (vCOPs)
Select New Environment and Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.02.59
Accept the EULA and Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.03.34
Enter the Product Key and click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.05.37
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.05.51
This will be the First Look
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.06.17
First Step we need to do is to configure the connection with the vCenter to allow the vRops to start collecting data from the vSphere Environment,
From the Administration, Solutions, Click on the configure button
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.08.41
We have 2 things to configure here:
The vCenter Adapter is to allow the vRealize operations Manger to collects metrics from vCenter Server
The vCenter Python Actions Adapter allows you to modify objects on your managed vCenter Server instances from vRealize Operations Manager.
First, we will configure the vCenter Adapter
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.09.14
Give Display name, Quick Description, vCenter FQDN, Credential to communicate with the vCenter,
Then Click on Test Connection
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.27.31
Great ,,, test Successful
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.10.57
Save the Settings,
Do the same with the vCenter Python Actions Adapter, Also Save Settings
Click Next,
Review the Settings
Click Next
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.29.54
Click Finish
Screenshot 2015-08-25 16.30.13
Here we go ,,,
Screenshot 2015-09-08 16.57.21
In the Next Post we will go through the High availability Options and more