Wednesday, December 31, 2014

(Part-2) Step By Step VMware Site Recovery Manager - SRM and EMC SAN with SRDF

In Part-1 we covered the installation and basic configurations of VMware Site Recovery Manager:
(Part-1) SRM Installation
Now we will start configuring our SRM with the Inventory Mapping (Resources, Folders, Network and Placeholder Data-Stores)
Don’t forget that we must create the inventory mappings so that SRM can create placeholder VMs
After configuring mappings at the protected site (HO Datacenter) we will need to configure inventory mappings at the recovery site to enable the re-protect, we will discuss the re-protect on another post.

Lets start by Resources Mapping by mapping Hosts or Clusters,
Note that you can map two clusters in Main Datacenter to one cluster in DR as per your design or business needs, Also you might escape cluster mapping and its VM`s from being protected to DR
You will need to configure mapping of the vCenter, Clusters and Hosts (if you don’t have Clusters)
Right Click on the Resource and Click Configure Mapping
Choose the Mapped resource from the Other Site and Click OK
After finishing the Resource Mapping we will configure the Folder Mapping with the same way we did with Resources mapping
Choose Folder and click OK
Network Mapping, the same process apply
Choose the Protected Site Resource, Right Click, Click Configure Mapping
Choose the desired Network on the DRC site network and Click OK
Now all VLAN`s is mapped and we can go and configure our Place-Holder Data-Stores
Go to Placeholder Datastores and select your site, I will start with HO site,
Click on Configure Placeholder Datastore
Note, we need to do this in both sites to enable the re-protect, we will discuss the re-protect on another post
The data store that will be selected is located in DR site !! which make sense !! why ??  Smile  ok I will explain this,
Following to VMware Documentation For every virtual machine in a protection group, Site Recovery Manager creates a placeholder virtual machine at the recovery site.
You must identify a Datastore on the recovery site in which Site Recovery Manager can store the placeholder virtual machines.
After you select the Datastore to contain the placeholder virtual machines, Site Recovery Manager reserves a place for protected virtual machines in the inventory on the recovery site.
Site Recovery Manager creates a set of virtual machine files on the specified Datastore at the recovery site and uses that subset to register the placeholder virtual machine with vCenter Server on the recovery site.
To enable planned migration and re-protect, you must select placeholder Datastores at both sites.
Placeholder Datastores must meet certain criteria.

  • For clusters, the placeholder Datastores must be visible to all of the hosts in the cluster.
  • You cannot select replicated Datastores as placeholder Datastores.
Regarding Sizing Datastore will only contain VM config files (*.vmx, *.vmxf, *.vmsd (typically 3 files < 1KB each)
Choose your Datastore, and click OK
Our Datastore is now selected in both Sites
The same steps with the DR site
Next Post we will continue our configurations with Installing SRA and Configuring Array Managers

1 comment:

  1. These sites has mapping for the VMware recovered by the Virtual sites. The virtual machine using different keys for the recovery mapping functions are resource mapping functions.

    VMware Training in Chennai
