Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Install vCenter 5.5 in two Sites with Multiple SSO and Linked Mode (Part 2)

Part 2: Installing vCenter 5.5 in the Second Site
In the first part we finished the installation in the first site and now it’s the time to install in the Second site,
Review Part 1 for More Information's
Part 1: Installing vCenter 5.5 in the First Site
Installing the vCenter 5.5 in the second site will also consist of following:

  • vCenter Single Sign On
  • vSphere Web Client
  • vCenter Inventory Service
  • vCenter Server
    vCenter Single Sign-On
    Most of the steps already covered in part 1 so I’ll focus on covering the differences
    The same as the first site but this time we will chose “vCenter Single Sign-On for an additional vCenter Server with a new site

  • The Domain Name is (vsphere.local) because we are adding a new server to current SSO Authentication Domain

    We need to enter the Partner Host Name which is simply the FQDN for the vCenter of the First Site
    The password is SSO password we set in the first site
    Note, if you have any problem connecting to the first site you will fail to continue from here (Network needs to be healthy and the first vCenter is reached)
    Confirming the SHA1,
    Click Continue
    Name your Second Site
    I Name it as DR-Site because I will use this site as a DR Site
    Review the Installation summery and confirm you selected the right options and click Install
    Click Finish

    vSphere Web Client
    The same configurations as the first site

    vCenter Inventory Services
    The same configurations as the first site

    vCenter Server
    Most of the steps already covered in part 1 so I’ll focus on covering the differences
    I Believe it very clear which Option we will choose here “Join a VMware vCenter Server group Using Linked Mode to Share Information”

    Confirm and Click OK, then Next

    Enter the FQDN and Port Number of the vCenter of the first site,
    Note, if you have any problem connecting to the first site you will fail to continue from here (Network needs to be healthy and the first vCenter is reached)
    Choose you Ports, leave it to default or change it if needed
    Click Next
    Choose the Size of the Inventory
    To Register the vCenter Server with the SSO, Enter the SSO Password you already set when installing the SSO for the second Site
    Click Next
    Click Install
    Here We go, we just finished Smile
    The final View after Creating Clusters and adding hosts will like this

    To review installing the vCenter in the first Site, Review (Part 1)
    Part 1: Installing vCenter 5.5 in the First Site